Life is good! Life is inspirational!

Posts tagged ‘virus’

One droplet at a time

And the world said enough
Enough of your overindulgences
Your selfishness and greed
Your filth and your pollution
Your small mindedness and your squabbling
Your lies and hurtful deeds
Your discrimation and your prejudices
Enough said the world
And from one small droplet
She set to heal her broken land

There was pain and there was devastation
Some were sacrificed
Others wept rivers of tears
Some tried to rebel, others judged
Fear and anguish and anxiety filled the land
Worry consuming the hearts of those about
Economies were devoured
Consumerism vanquished
Until all that was left were raw beings
Stripped naked before the Earth

And the Earth had pity and compassion
As the rivers flowed blue and the trees could breathe
And love filtered amongst her citizens
As selfishness gave way to selfless consideration
As judgement reconciled with forgiveness
And blame gave way to understanding
As the battles ceased and peace reigned supreme
And truth took centre stage
Each individual, each community, each country
Reconnected for the better good.

One droplet at a time

With Love From The Common Cold

If I am common, who is not?
Said Common Cold one day
For seriously! How can you think
I am a “chav” per se

I mean whoever thought I’d wear
Designer labels too
Perhaps a tag more eloquent
Say – one that says I’m flu

For in all truth I might appear
In many different folk
But common? Come on! Have a heart
I am a decent bloke!

I work real hard to make you sick
I spread throughout your head
I itch your eyes, block up your nose
And flush your cheeks all red

And then I don’t stop there at all
I stuff your ears with goo
And if you’re really lucky then
I’ll hit your stomach too

I persevere with diligence
With might and with great power
So please don’t put me in a box
For I work hour on hour

And so I think it’s fair to say
That I am most detached
From common for my ways are good
My virus I attach

To spend my days a weaving here
And working at great heights
To be all gunky in your head
My future’s looking bright!

     With love from your common cold x

Common cold

Common cold (Photo credit: Wikipedia)